Halloween Recap: Jurassic Park Trunk or Treat

“Yes but when Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists!” 

                              – Dr. Ian Malcom

This year was the first year that our son Asher was really able to enjoy all that Halloween has to offer.  I had already planned to low key pay homage to Jurassic Park with our Halloween costumes.   So of course when his daycare put up the sign up sheets for their first ever Trunk or Treat, we knew we needed to go big!

I will admit there was some debate in the Khaimov household about whether we go old school JP or stay relevant with Jurassic World but I was not budging from iconic (and super easy) Jeff Goldblum costume so we decided to go more with a “Badasses of Jurassic Park” theme.  See slides below for my Dr. Ian Malcom, Asher’s tantruming T-Rex, Mike’s Owen Grady, and a a surprise appearance from Gus’s Rupert Muldoon.

To be honest I had never heard of a trunk-or-treat until last year so we had to do quite a bit of pinterest scouring to get a sense of what we had just signed up for.  But once we figured it out we got to planning. We knew we definitely had to have the iconic Jurassic Park gate and definitely some sort of T-rex at the electrified fence scene.  We ended up using floral foam blocks and acrylic paint for the gate columns and printed the lettering at Kinko’s to glue on grey foam board.  We also found some foam eggs at Michael’s and painted them to look like Dino eggs in the “treat nests”.  After several trips to Spirit Halloween Store, JoAnn’s Fabrics and you guessed it…Michael’s we were able to fill out trunk with our Jurassic Park scene.  

We almost didn’t even get to show off our Trunk or Treat masterpiece because of a last minute rain rescheduling but  I am happy to report we were able to make it to the rescheduled trunk or treat and wow the kids with our display (we even had some other dinos stop by for pictures with the gate!)

Scroll through below for more pics of the details of our trunk or treat.  If you end up recreating this theme for your own trunk or treat, tag us! We’d love to see what you come up with!

WhatsApp Image 2019-10-31 at 2.25.35 PM(1)
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For more halloween content be sure to check out our Halloween Decor Tour on our Youtube Channel